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SureImpact Provides Ohio PBS Stations with Impact Reporting

Since the emergence of COVID-19, students, their families, and educators have struggled to overcome pandemic-related learning loss that occurred nationwide. From quarantines and the sudden shift to virtual classrooms, academic achievement, visits to cultural institutions, and participation in other types of enrichment activities plummeted overnight. And recovery efforts continue to lag due to factors such as inflation, workforce imbalances, and lack of access to affordable housing. Combined, these conditions have significantly hindered families’ capacity to fully rebound across multiple fronts.

To address challenges specific to learning loss, Ohio’s PBS stations partnered with the Ohio Department of Education to launch a new initiative, Ohio Learns 360. Designed for K-5 children, Ohio Learns 360 is a suite of free

educational enrichment offerings, including kits for out-of-school providers, virtual experiences, and special events for families.

The statewide Ohio Learns 360 team selected SureImpact's sister company Measurement Resources to develop the foundational evaluation framework to quantify the impact of this new initiative. Ohio Learns 360 selected

SureImpact, to enable all PBS stations in Ohio to capture impact data related to the initiative for real-time monitoring and reporting purposes.

Together, SureImpact and Measurement Resources delivered leading-edge performance measurement capabilities not found anywhere else in the social sector marketplace.

SureImpact provided:

  • A secure platform configured specifically to the logic model and evaluation framework created by Measurement Resources.

  • All PBS stations have secure access to a robust client management and analytics platform to track the outputs and outcomes of Ohio Learns 360.

  • Facilitates shared measurement and eliminates cumbersome reporting by seamlessly rolling up shared data to Ohio Learns 360 and the Ohio Department of Education.

  • Collective impact dashboards with real-time insights into the success of the Ohio Learns 360 programming.

Read the full case study here.


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