Since 1966, Tempe Community Action Agency (TCAA) has dedicated its resources to strengthening families and neighborhoods through initiatives that address the causes and effects of poverty. As part of TCAA’s Hunger Relief program, staff educate participants on the benefits of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and provide application assistance. While SNAP met a critical need for individuals and families, the amount of time required to meet SNAP reporting requirements was a big challenge for TCAA.
Senior Programs Manager at TCAA, Megan Wilson, MSW said “TCAA is required to track every activity related to SNAP, including direct services, education, and community engagement. Before switching to SureImpact, I had to compile information from 24-26 separate spreadsheets to determine individual staff counts, monthly counts, and quarterly counts. As you can imagine, this was very time consuming.
The SureImpact Partner Success team helped me quickly design and implement a solution where staff can easily track each SNAP activity as it occurs. I now have all the SNAP activity data in one location that I can quickly access and pull reports from whenever I need to. SureImpact has saved me many hours on reporting each month that I can now use to improve our programs and better serve those who need it most.”